Our Legacy of Quality and Protection: New Beginnings, Common Threads

Here's an alt tag for the image: Smiling woman with heart earrings.

Navigator Scrubs continues the legacy of the former Aviator Scrubs, by offering the same legendary quality and designs that have been available since 1990.

After the death of their creator, Aviator Scrubs also 'shuffled off it's mortal coil'. 'It ceased to be'.

The Lone Texan, Dianne Neel kept in contact with the manufacturer,  and now has teamed up with a loyal customer, Gary Miller. Together they created Navigator Scrubs, LLC.

Gary is a former medical photographer, and media producer. His work includes Hiatt and Gartner's Atlas of Human Histology, 2nd Edition. He has also contributed to The Archimedes Palimpsest Project, and The United States Armed Forces Institute of Pathology's, Fascicle. He has been a Licensed Practical Nurse  for 15 years, and served 5 years in Maryland’s 2nd busiest E.R., with a census of 96,800 patients per year. All of the photographic work you see here, (except the cotton) is his. He also wrote the "color" commentary.

Dianne came out of the west into Burleson Texas. She is a 72year-old who can still pound fence posts into the Texas soil, and grow a year’s worth of groceries out of it. She’s also right handy as a cowpuncher!

She has been the solo pilot of this adventure for more than 4 years.

You can thank  Dianne for the opportunity to purchase the iconic Navigator Scrubs.

Man in hat with leather briefcase.